Thursday, November 19, 2009

I can hear you breathing out there.

I’m going to pretend this post has a point for a second and mention something meaningful before I get into the meat of it all.

I write all my dreams down. It’s fun, and it makes me remember more dreams later. And, interestingly enough, when I get lazy or don’t have the time to write anything down, I actually start remembering fewer and fewer dreams. That kind of sucks, and in order to start remembering my dreams again, I have to start writing down random and uninteresting snippets of things until the full length features come back to me. I am amazed to find that I have filled up a whole journal and a half of my dreams. This fills me with a secret pride and also fills me with a secret loneliness as I wish more people would come over and want to read my dreams. :) My dreams are incredibly detailed and very odd! Someone should care about them other than me (and Isaac, who counts only as an extension of me because I’ve known him for too long).

So, who else here has noteworthy dreams? Who writes anything down?

... which leads me to the real reason why I’m writing this - I know that there is a small select few people out there that are reading these begrudging blogs of mine. I see your numbers trickle in after I write. I usually get between three and ten eventual hits. I can guess maybe two or three of you.

But I don’t want to guess. I’m impatient, dammit! Who’s reading up on me, eh? I do so much internet stalking, I want to know who’s stalking me back.

Trust me. It would make my day. So fucking sound off, you virtual peeps!


(And by the way, if you get that Wild Zero reference, you’re getting a Christmas card.)

(Originally posted on March 20th, 2008)

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